August Landscaping Guide – Dallas and North Texas

Most of us are thinking more about sipping a cool drink in the shade than we are about gardening and landscaping. We should, of course, enjoy the good work we have put into our landscapes this spring and early summer.

However, take note that we are currently in a severe drought condition, and your lawns and landscapes may be suffering from the intense heat and lack of rain.

So, if you read no further, keep these three tasks as your priority: water appropriately, ensure you have the proper amount of mulch, and keep up on the maintenance of your landscape.

Keeping your lawn and landscape healthy during these severe conditions is much cheaper and sustainable than having to replace trees, shrubs and turf. Read on to learn more and call us if we can be of help.

Here is a to-do list for landscaping and gardening in the Dallas/North Texas region to keep your lawn and landscape beautiful.

Watering: Please check your irrigation system. Ensure it is working properly and all zones are being watered the proper amount and at the proper frequency. Your lawns and shrubs need about an inch of water per week during the summer months. Many local governments have water restrictions in place, so you may only be able to water twice a week and only during certain times during the day. Watering your lawn, plants and trees two to three times a week should be sufficient, but water deeply. Frequent, shallow watering does not promote a healthy root system. Water your lawns in the early morning if possible, as this prevents excessive evaporation of water.

If you need to check, repair or upgrade your irrigations system, please call us. We have licensed irrigators and trained technicians to keep your landscape healthy and flourishing.

Mulching: Check to make sure you have 3-4 inches of quality mulch in your beds and around all shrubs and young trees. Mulch offers several advantages for your plants. First, it conserves water and prevents evaporation. Research indicates that mulch can reduce evaporation by up to 65%. Secondly, mulch lowers the temperature of the soil. Un-mulched soil can often exceed 100 degrees, which is hot enough to kill roots. Mulch can lower the temperature of the soil by as much as 10 degrees up to several inches deep. Finally, mulch helps to prevent weeds, which also compete for water with your plants.

Lawn Mowing: The best looking lawns will be those that are mowed regularly. Continue to mow your warm season turf grasses every 5 to 7 days. Bermuda should be maintained at 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 inches, while St Augustine at 2-1/2 inches in full sun and 3 to 3-1/2 inches in the shade. Keep mower blades sharp, and don’t cut more than one-third of the length of the grass blade.

Pruning: While you should avoid any major pruning during the hot summer months, continue to prune out dead or broken branches from your woody, ornamental trees and shrubs. Be on the look out and pull any seedling oak, hickory or pecan trees from your beds. These are easiest to pull when they are young and the soil is moist. An old pair of pliers may be helpful to get a good grip.

Roses: Early August is a good time to prune back roses. Cut out dead canes and any weak, bushy growth. Prune back healthy canes by about a third. After pruning, fertilize and water. You should apply fungicide as necessary to control black spot and powdery mildew. If you have been diligent in controlling diseases, you can look forward to beautiful blooms this fall.

Insects, Diseases and Fungus: Warm weather brings the potential for unwanted bugs, plant disease and fungus. For St. Augustine grass, be on the lookout for Chinch Bugs from May through September. Check crape myrtles, oaks and pecans for aphids throughout the summer. Watch for webworms on trees, especially pecans and mulberries, and treat as necessary.

August is also the time to start inspecting your lawn for white grub worms. If areas of your turf seem loosely rooted and can be easily pulled up, inspect under the grass for the presence of white grub worms. If you find presence of the grub worms, now is the time to apply a pesticide.

We’re Here to Help: If you need any assistance, we are here to help. High Quality Landscape Services has been creating beautiful landscapes and providing exceptional service to Dallas residential and commercial customers for 45 years. If you need landscaping services, maintenance, irrigation or chemical control, let us put our experience to work for you to create a beautiful landscape.

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